Category: apartments

  • resort in penang

    resort in penang

    a much earlier scheme has the glass facades facing the north lights and the flank walls accommodate the circulation elements, very much in the vein of good tropical architectural approach. The poolside and associated deck structure is elevated at least 20 m from the main access road from below. This…

  • resort apartments

    resort apartments

    All architects we suppose do a lot of resorts and so called hospitality homes, for us it runs from Oman to shanghai, but unfortunately, like it is for many architects. many of these do not take off, or have seen budget issues creeping in at the last moment, or have…

  • shanghai revisited

    In 2005 and thereafter we were in shanghai to renovate and recreate a residence for mr lee. The house has an enormous courtyard and a basement which totally lacked daylight. The transformation involved creating a new kitchen adjoining the much smaller, dark existing one, and adding a larger master bedroom…